
Arp ISD is committed to the Continuous Improvement Process. When any of us take on a new career or position, we should strive to IMPROVE that position as well as our own personal knowledge and skills. Nothing should stay stagnant and neither should we. Have you "added value" to your position here in Arp ISD?

The Continuous Improvement Process requires:

  • Evaluating the Status Quo - find out what is the current status of things

  • Researching Best Practices - What are others doing to improve their sphere of influence?

  • Developing a Growth Plan to take you from where you are to where you need to be - Set goals and objectives for yourself and your department.

  • Keep track of implementation through Formative Assessments - Keep records and collecting data to guide the way things are implemented.

  • Reflect on daily Practice and Strive for Better Communication, Collaboration, and Engagement of All Stakeholders. How do you know folks are engaged in the improvement process?

  • Adjust and Modify your course of Action by being Flexible and Responsive to All Stakeholder's Needs - If change is required, step in that direction!

  • Start the the Cycle Over again

Here are some great resources for Teachers who want to improve the way they do education