
PARENTS: Thank you for filling out the ONLINE LEARNING SURVEY. It gave us the information we needed to prepare devices for each campus. You are now welcome to fill out the Device Check Out Contract in any way that is convenient for you if your home is in need of equipment for online learning.

DEVICE CHECKOUT CONTRACT Elementary students will be eligible for iPad checkout unless your teacher asked you to check out a laptop.

IPAD QUICKSTART - How to manage your iPad from home. Questions: email tech@arpisd.org

HOTSPOTS: You will be emailed when & where to pick up your Kajeet HotSpots - PLEASE READ

WE HAVE FREE DEVICES that you may keep: If you are interested in a FREE device (Lenovo Netbook or Netbook Tablet) email tech@arpisd.org.

HAVE A QUESTION? Email - tech@arpisd.org

NEED WIFI? The nation is 8 weeks behind in manufacturing enough Hotspot for all the demand. This is not surprising. Here is a temporary solution - do your work from home, save on your device and then come to the school parking lot, cafeteria picnic areas, or football stadium to upload work to your teachers.